Your hair looks like tickles!
Anyhow, Jim recently discovered he has been living an incredibly materialistic life. How did he come to this conclusion? He found himself thinking of his couch while he was humping his mattress. Bad Business Jim. Bad Business. Even I could have given my mattress all my attention. But that's all behind him now! He said no to his life of the materialistic and said "hey there sugar tits" to a life of calm, tranquility, and inner lucidity. That's correct, he became a Peruvian monk with a no nonsense attitude. Shall we say a picture utters more words than words do?
Say Hello Peruvian Jim!
Whoa there buddy! Nice Colour! The sun has served you bountifully!
But you better stop eating the rice down there, I wouldn't want you looking too good!
Well that's Jim's story, what's yours maggot? Send it to , and maybe we will encourage your writing escapades, or maybe I'll never check my email. It's a toss up.
P.S. Until next time, ponder this,
World War One?
or World War Fun?
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